Where's YOUR Next View Going To Be?
NextView Investments is a real estate solutions company, and we assist people with a wide variety of difficult real estate situations. Our goal is to rejuvenate neighborhoods by improving the overall quality of the houses, thereby improving the VIEW in a given area. We also just like to make something old and tired look new and beautiful again!
We purchase properties with cash and renovate them, and then we sell or rent those properties to nice families, making the neighborhood a better place to live.
If you know anyone who is facing a tough situation with their property......job loss, divorce, inheritance, job transfer, 2 mortgages, estate sale, bad tenants, behind on payments.....let them know we want to help!
We will make a fast and fair offer on your property. We are flexible and can close within 10-14 days or whenever YOU are ready. We buy the property "as is" with no repairs needed beforehand. We are not real estate agents, so you will save the 6% commission fee.